Big Brother 25's zero-tolerance policy, which automatically bans "negative speech" or "slurs," was invoked by the show earlier in the season after Luke Valentine used the n word in a casual discussion.
Fans are curious why CBS' Zero-Tolerance Policy has not led to a second early ejection after one contestant admitted he used r-word.
Luke Valentine was booted from the house before the first eviction for casually using the n word in a conversation. It wasn't directed towards anyone but it was in front of Jared Fields who is the only Black man in the house.
Five Big Brother contestants who were kicked off the show
Jared Fields, the son of Survivor legend Cirie, has now become the center of controversy over his use of an offensive slur towards another player. He admitted to using the r word on LIve Feeds. Many fans captured this on their phones.
Jared also apologized for using the slur. (Though we assume he may have said the "r-word", instead of the entire slur.) Fans are still convinced that Luke's use of the full n-word was just as offensive and violated the Zero-Tolerance Policy of the network.
** SPOILER ALERTE ** Beyond this point, as it is relevant to discussion. Live Feed viewers know who the current Head of the Household is, even though the broadcast hasn't revealed it yet.
** SPOILER ALERTS ** will discuss these topics shortly. If you don't wish to learn, please move away. Last chance!
Conversations on Friday were a direct reflection of the way things have been going this week, with alliances, nominees and targets. Jared won HOH which makes things even more complex from a production perspective. A forcible elimination would remove the current HOH.
Jard and Cory were talking about the negative impact on his game of America winning the Power of Veto after Jard nominated Cameron for eviction. He dropped the word r.
Jared admits that he used the slur, even though it didn't seem to be caught on LIve Feeds.
Jared told Cory, "I don’t think that she is the r-word." I slipped up. Sorry about that. I was obviously angry. "I'm not ashamed to admit it."
Luke apologized for using the n word. He claimed he meant to say another word and told Jared that he did not mean it.
Fans rushed to share the CBS Zero Tolerance Policy, which states that "Negative speech or Slurs" is automatically banned. This section contains "hate speech and threats of harm directed at different groups including race, disability and disabilities."
Jared's use of the word r is as offensive to them as Luke's dropping of the n-word. Will he be banned from the game then? Should he?
The incident has sparked a lot debate on social media. X (formerly Twitter), which is where contestants are discussing the word, and CBS's inability to respond -- at least thus far -- to Jared’s comment.
At this point it would be a major disruption to the weekly proceedings if the current Head was removed. What happens to the nominees? Was the whole week a waste? The summer twist is Jared living with Cirie.
A Zero-Tolerance Policy does not mean anything else. Zero tolerance is not in place unless the production finds it difficult. It's a question of whether CBS, and others who are sure to be looking into this, believe that the use r-word is a violation.
The r-word is also offensive and ableist, but it's not as incendiary.
Here are some reactions from fans as they wait to see if CBS or Big Brother will respond to the incident.
Title: Big Brother Fans Want Houseguest Ejected After They Apparently Called Another Player R-Word
Sourced From: www.toofab.com/2023/09/03/big-brother-fans-want-houseguest-ejected-called-another-player-r-word/
Published Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2023 19:20:08 +0000
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