I'd love to smoke a joint and listen to some music while doing something like pottery. You know what I'm talking about? Evans talks about his life in New England, with wife Alba Baptista
Chris Evans is known to us all as the beacon for justice that is Capt. America. However, he turned down this role at first... and not just once.
In the October issue GQ Evans explains why he declined the role for which he is best known, and why, since then, he's returned to New England.
Evans, who went on to star as the lead in five films of the franchise, admitted that he had initially been apprehensive. He said no several times before finally saying yes. In my late 20s, I noticed a change in the way I felt when I was on set or promoting films. I experienced a bit more anxiety and uncertainty. You end up asking yourself, "Is this really what I want to do?"
He said, "I wasn't certain if I was getting closer or farther away from myself." "Something inside me kept telling me that I was moving further away, that this industry wasn't good for my health."
Evans finally agreed to wear the suit after some negotiations. The pros outweighed the cons, he thought fame would bring.
Evans concluded that it was a role he enjoyed playing and continues to love.
Evans told the outlet, "I love to play that role." I feel connected in a sense that you can't resist trying to absorb their traits when you return to a character over and over again.
Evans has not ruled out a Marvel return, even though he's not played Steve Rogers in the Avengers Endgame since 2019.
He replied, "Yes, I think so." "I won't say never just because it was a wonderful experience. But I also treasure it. "I am extremely proud of it."
He admitted that sometimes he "can't even believe it happened", but he would not return to the franchise until it felt right.
Evans said: "I would not want the black face if I felt it was a money grab, if they didn't meet expectations, or if there just seemed to be no connection to that original thing." "So, no time soon."
Evans has been able to relax after taking a break from the MCU. The 42-year old actor, who has a busy schedule in 2022, including three films -- ghosted pain killer and red one - is yet to film a movie in 2023. He said "never again", as he recalled the previous year.
I was like, "Yeah. I only do one film a year." "I try to not work anymore," he told his then-girlfriend Alba Baptista. After a couple of months dating, guess what happened? We are moving to Atlanta for one year. "Get ready."
Evans said, "I was thinking, 'Never again!' even as that year happened.
The Captain America actor has moved from Los Angeles, a city he attributes to "Pavlovian Anxiety," and is now focusing on his personal life in his hometown, a small town outside Boston, Massachusetts.
Evans said that the return to New England took him back to "a time when I was a little more pure -- I guess -- and where my ego, my insecurities were not such a dominating force I had to fight against."
He's spent time with his wife, and he has invested in "other interests."
"I like autonomous stuff. I would like to smoke a joint and listen to some music while doing something like pottery. You know what I'm talking about? Seth Rogen and what he does. He said, "It's good for your health. You just have to go into your workshop and create something. How simple, satisfying and quotidian.
Evans added, "I enjoy acting, but I can't do it alone." "I chose a career that not only requires a variety of artists, but also an audience."
"I hope that I will act less in the future," he added. I have many other interests.
Evans said that many of these have little to no connection with the reading of a script.
"I am very energetic." The movie star who has been in the business for 20 years said, "I get up early and I do a lot in a single day, but not all of it is focused on acting." Sometimes, reading a screenplay is the last thing that I want to do.

Title: Chris Evans On Leaving Hollywood and If He'd Return As Captain America
Sourced From: www.toofab.com/2023/09/19/chris-evans-captain-america-left-hollywood/
Published Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 16:49:44 +0000
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