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Elon Musk Says 'Significant' Risk of Assassination, Talks Hunter Biden, Free Speech

Elon Musk Says 'Significant' Risk of Assassination, Talks Hunter Biden, Free Speech

"It's not difficult to kill me if someone wanted to, so I hope they don't."

Elon Musk expressed concern about his safety during a discussion on free speech and his plans to use Twitter in the wake of the public release of private communications within the social media company, leading up to the 2020 presidential elections.

The CEO stated that there was a high risk of something going wrong or being shot while participating in a Twitter Spaces conversation. Let me be clear, I won't be participating in any open-air car parades.

He said, "It's not difficult to kill me if someone wants to, so I hope they don't."

Musk spoke out about free speech and the future for the tech giant during the discussion.

"Free speech is something that has been very rare in history. It's not common." He said that free speech is a very rare and important right.

"Controlled speech is the default, and not free speech."

These comments were made one day after Matt Taibbi published internal communications within Twitter. It showed that they had allegedly tried to suppress the New York Post's story about Hunter Biden's laptop.

Taibbi tweeted, "Twitter took extraordinary measures to suppress the story. They removed links and posted warnings that it might be 'unsafe'." They even blocked it via direct message. This was a technique that was reserved for extreme cases like e.g. Child pornography

Musk stated that the exposed internal communications showed that Twitter was acting "like an arm of" the Democratic National Committee a day later. Fox Business reports.

Musk stated, "We're just going to put all the info out there try to obtain a clean slate." He also said that "we'll be iteratively improved and it will force other media firms to be more truthful or they'll lose readers."

Musk tweeted Taibbi's tweets promoting their policy on hacking materials. It also showed internal Twitter debate about the matter and fears of being accused of anti-conservative bias.

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, who according to Taibbi wasn't involved in the decision not to suppress the story, told US lawmakers that it was a mistake in hindsight to censor the story.

Taibbi's reporting seemed to discredit claims Musk and conservatives claimed that the FBI applied pressure to suppress Hunter Biden's laptop stories. The journalist found "no evidence" of government involvement in the laptop story, which was also what the journalist said.


Title: Elon Musk Says 'Significant' Risk of Assassination, Talks Hunter Biden, Free Speech
Sourced From: toofab.com/2022/12/05/elon-musk-says-significant-risk-of-being-assassinated/
Published Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2022 15:31:03 +0000

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