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How Kim and Kourtney Kardashian Used to Prank Men They Met Using 900 Numbers

How Kim and Kourtney Kardashian Used to Prank Men They Met Using 900 Numbers

Kim called the hotline on The Kardashians again, after recalling that she had "blacked-out" at Beyonce's party.

The new episode of The Kardashians on Thursday was largely centered around Kim Kardashian’s prison-reform activism and business acumen. However, the fans got to see her playful side.

Kim revealed that she is a "lightweight", when it comes alcohol, while visiting Khloe's to mix a cocktail for the family.

"I'll drink like two shots and then I'll be wasted, and it's so fun." She shared, "I'll be dancing in the dance floor." Ask Beyonce if you don't think I am serious. "I danced for hours at her party. I'm sure I blacked-out."

Kim told Khloe that she had woken up the following morning to "so much text message" from her friends. She then asked Khloe how she felt after drinking a bit too much alcohol. "She said, you were dancing and dropping it low. I was like 'Nooo' I had no idea!"

Khloe revealed in the second half of the hour how Kim and Kourtney used to play pranks on unsuspecting males in their youth. Khloe was working on setting up the Good American store in a Los Angeles shopping mall where they spent much time growing up.

This mall has existed for many years. Khloe said, "You should ask Kourtney or Kim. They would call 1-900 number and ask gentlemen meet them here." Before producers asked Kim to clarify her claim, Khloe stated, "They would call 1-900 and ask gentlemen for a meeting here."

Kim, a hysterical Kim, admitted that they had a whole book of Polaroids taken of the guys.

Kim called Kourtney and asked if she could remember the number after Khloe said she knew it by heart. She replied, "Yes, I remember it by heart", before giving the number to Kim.

The automated voice then announced the name of hotline -- which had been bleeped -- followed by the tagline "Where naughty's nice."

Chris answered the phone after Kim hit the pound button to start her chat. He said he was originally from Ventura in California. Kim, calling herself Samantha, said that she lived in Ventura County. She then hung up in embarrassment.

We hope "Chris", who was talking to him, will watch the episode!

The Kardashians' new episodes will be available on Hulu this Thursday.


Title: How Kim and Kourtney Kardashian Used to Prank Men They Met Using 900 Numbers
Sourced From: www.toofab.com/2023/10/04/kim-kardashian-900-number-kourtney-prank/
Published Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2023 05:00:06 +0000

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