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Is The Midlife Crisis Real? Surprising Data Points To An Unexplained Slump In Midlife

Woman unhappily looks at cupcake with "40" candles in it

The midlife crisis is often treated more as a joke than a real problem by society. We laugh at 40-something men driving sports cars and similarly-aged women dyeing their hair shocking shades to attract younger men. This social and cultural phenomenon is dismissed as a excuse for impulsive behavior or denial of reality.

New research shows that midlife crises go beyond being a cheesy sitcom plot. The National Bureau of Economic Research data shows that there is a difference in happiness between those aged 20 and 40. Despite being financially independent and most financially secure, their joy does not match up.

Even though everyone will react differently to this emotional transition, it can have disastrous consequences. Maybe it's time to put aside the midlife crisis jokes.

An Actual Headache Or A Hoax?

Elliot Jacques, a Canadian psychoanalyst, coined the phrase "midlife crisis" back in 1965. It is a time when many people have to face their mortality. The midlife crisis is now a common concept that has received varying levels of support.

Dean J. Murphy, writer, is in the unsupportive group: "Midlife crisis do not exist," he stated in a 2020 Medium article. "They are just a marketing scheme that is based on poor science and movies," Dr. Susan Krauss Whitbourne wrote similar sentiments five-years ago in an article in Psychology Today.

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Whitbourne stated that there is almost no evidence to support the claim that midlife crises are universal. Elaine Wethington, a Cornell University socioologist, describes the midlife crisis in terms of "expected stress." You feel that everyone will experience a crisis.

Denouncing midlife crises can be empowering in a certain way. You don't have to worry about any potential crisis. This means you can purchase that car, go on vacation, change your career, or make changes in your love life without guilt. It doesn't matter how well you feel physically or emotionally. What if you don’t feel well?

The Real-(Mid-)Life Ramifications

It can be difficult for people who are struggling with their midlife psychological well-being to dismiss the midlife crisis. These symptoms shouldn't be common if there is no such thing. This is why the NBER study is so important, particularly for high-risk people.

A group of economists and behavioral scientist surveyed 20648 people aged 15 to 75. They collected data about suicide, sleep disturbances and depression, career strain, headaches and concentration problems. Every time, the data was in an upside-down U (or hill shape).

Participants in midlife, regardless of gender or socioeconomic background, reported higher levels of stress, unhappiness and substance abuse. They also had more mental, emotional and sleep disturbances. These results were disturbing when you consider other factors in life.

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The study states that middle-aged people in our data sets are near their peak earnings, have rarely been sick, live in some of the most secure countries in the world and enjoy the best eras in human history. This is both paradoxical and alarming. The policy-makers in the wealthy world have not grasped the seriousness and urgency of this societal problem.

It is difficult to compare evidence that is rooted in emotional phenomena accurately, as most midlife crisis research acknowledges. This type of slump is not limited to humans. An 2012 study showed similar emotional declines in middle-aged great Apes. This suggests a stronger biological influence.

Making the Most of Midlife and Beyond

The data is interesting, regardless of whether you believe in midlife crises or deny it. It is clear that emotional well-being declines around middle age, even though other indicators of prosperity reach their peak. This holds true for many countries, species, and studies.

However, midlife experiences can be very different from one person to the next. A crisis may seem like a major life event to one person, but it could be something that happens in a month for another. Maybe the problem isn't whether there is a midlife crisis. Perhaps the problem is in how we define it.

You can feel confident and secure in your midlife, if you have scientific data supporting your noteworthy lackof crisis. You are not an exception, and you don't have to be doing anything wrong. It might feel like you had one bad week in midlife than it did when you were 42. That's perfectly normal. This research can help you give yourself grace if you are struggling.

Midlife can be a turbulent time for many people. These effects can have far-reaching consequences beyond extravagant shopping sprees and flashy Ferraris. These can have real-life consequences, especially for those who are more at risk of developing mental disorders and substance abuse. This phenomenon deserves to be given the credit it deserves. It can help one look out for their struggles and provide solutions and preventive measures for friends, family, and self.

It seems that there is no clear definition of midlife crisis. It is possible to feel liberated knowing that for some midlife can be both liberating and frustrating at times. It may feel like an emergency for some. However, there is grace and compassion.

You're not the only one, no matter where you are on the spectrum of midlife experiences. That's what is important.

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By: M. Davis-McAfee
Title: Is The Midlife Crisis Real? Surprising Data Points To An Unexplained Slump In Midlife
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/midlife-crisis-real-or-fake/2678989/
Published Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2022 11:35:00 +0000

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