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January 29-February 4 Horoscope: Watch For Changes Ahead

Weekly horoscope 1/29-2/4

The cosmos is full of unexpected revelations this week. A conjunction between Uranus in Taurus, the 8th House of Reincarnation's first-quarter Moon, and a second-quarter Moon begins the week. It ends with a full moon in Cancer, its ruling sign, opposing Pluto.

Although these cosmic alignments can be tense and negative, there is hope. Sometimes what one may initially consider to be hardships can turn out to be more valuable learning opportunities than they are. Be open to the flow of the universe and let your heart and mind be open.

How is your sign doing this week?


Mar 21 - April 19

Contrary to what your insecurity might tell you, you only have to look out for your future self and not the one who lives in your past. It's worth looking into if new information or revelations leads you to reconsider your decision. Aries, you know your needs and desires better than anyone.

It is not wrong to take stock of your progress and decide to redirect. This is far more productive than accepting the reality that you don't have to accept. This week, the cosmos encourages you to follow your heart.


April 20 - May 20,

You are prone to oscillate between periods that you indulge and those that you deny. Right now, it seems like you're stuck in the former. Taurus is the middle. It's a more comfortable place in between. To find it, however, you have to be willing to search for it.

Is moderation really necessary? Are you engaging in self-punishment for past luxuries or is your moderation really justified? You don't have to do everything. The universe doesn't operate within these strict, binary parameters. Therefore, you shouldn't either.


May 21 - Jun 20

Gemini, you can't ignore your needs forever. Even if you are stubborn and put off the task for a few more weeks, your needs will eventually be met. This can often lead to unexpected changes in our plans, health, and relationships.

Do you not prefer to handle this situation while you have some control? People who are worthy of your presence in your life will not mind if you prioritize yourself. You should be much more cautious of people who would like to do such a thing.


Jun 21 - Jul 22

Resolving emotional conflicts is difficult because you have to face them head-on, without any excuses. Despite how difficult this may seem, the stars encourage you to keep moving forward. You'll come out stronger from this moment.

Take into account the environment around you. How can you expect to feel safe and secure if something is not right at home? You can get rid of these negative side effects if you address the problem as soon as possible.


Jul 23-Aug 22

Leo, be careful not to project your past onto your current situation. Although it may feel like it was yesterday, it is not the same as it was in the past. You can leave them behind if you wish.

Keep the insights and lessons learned from these experiences. The shame and hurt that these experiences have caused are not appropriate for the present. These burdens are a call from the stars to be released. Are you ready for them to go?


Aug 23-Sept 22

No one expects you to be self-sufficient. Why do you insist on this? Stars urge you to examine your motives for self-sacrifice. While selfless compassion is one thing; there's a good chance that this may be more ego-driven.

Virgo, you are more than your productivity. You can be both inspiring and impressive, Virgo. However, it is important to set an example of self-love.


Sep 23-Oct 22

What if the pain you have experienced in your life was not meant to punish you but strengthen you? Although it doesn't reduce the intensity of the pain, it does offer a glimpse at the light at the end. Libra, this can be used to your advantage.

Your experience isn't as severe as you might think. Your compassion and empathy could be a great asset to others. These skills can be cultivated if you are willing to work harder. These skills are more valuable than you realize.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

It's not always easy to move from one plateau into the next. Life transitions can be scary and uncertain. These feelings are not a sign you're wrong. Instead, accept them as part of the learning process.

The stars encourage you to show grace and patience during these turbulent times. Be aware of what your body needs. Trial and error can be a great place to start if you are unsure of where to go. Scorpio, keep up the great work.


Nov 22 - Dec 21

After you have had time to adjust to the new lifestyle or habits, you can decide if you want to keep it. You might need to wait longer to determine if the benefits or lack thereof are obvious.

However, if you feel strongly about something, the cosmos will urge you to take action. It's possible to try again using a different approach. But beating a dead horse is not a good idea. What can you do to reevaluate your life and achieve your goals?


Dec 22 - Jan 19

Your work ethic is admirable. Could there be a form of avoidance? What other obligations or relationships are you trying to avoid by focusing so much on your other responsibilities. The existence of both is not negated by focusing on one.

Refusing to acknowledge these problems will eventually lead to them spilling over into other areas of your life. It is best to focus on the most urgent issues and not the easiest.


Jan 20 - February 18

The events of the week will help you make the changes that you want in your life. They won't always look pretty. You should be open-minded and let go of your ego, the stars tell you. Aquarius, you must be focused on the larger picture.

This might mean that you have to endure some hardships, but the benefits of prosperity are worth it. You can't avoid strife forever. You can control how you respond to it and how you grow from it.


February 19-20, 2019

Pisces, romance is in the air. It's a good time to enjoy it, but don't let it lead you astray. It is important to not underestimate the impact of the honeymoon phase on judgment and perception. Your needs should be considered just as much as those of the other party.

To maximize your intuition, communication and communication skills, the stars will align towards the end of this week. Make sure you strike while the iron's hot so that you can nip any misunderstandings in their bud. Do not be afraid to speak up.


By: Madame Miranda
Title: January 29-February 4 Horoscope: Watch For Changes Ahead
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/january-29-february-4-horoscope-watch-for-changes-ahead/2719413/
Published Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 11:05:00 +0000

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