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November 6-12 Horoscope: Emotions, Ego, And Rebellion

Weekly horoscope 11/6-12

The full Moon joins Uranus retrograde this week as it flies against the Sun. Venus and Mercury are located behind the Sun, suggesting that our egos may be overshadowing communication, intellect, romance and/or finances.

Uranus retrograde is calling us to ignite our inner rebellions and challenge our beliefs. Our emotional selves will feel the pull to something new, but hopefully something better, with the full Moon's powerful lunar power.

How is your sign doing this week?


Mar 21 - April 19

It can be difficult to stay still when you are so used to moving around all day. This is certainly understandable--stillness begets reflection, and reflection can bring unsavory emotions to the surface. These sentiments are often ignored by constant productivity, which makes it a far more appealing option.

It is not the most productive. You should take a moment to look around and see what you might learn. You might be surprised at what you discover when you take a moment to look around.


April 20 - May 20,

You have never had to keep your head down. You are prepared to give up your desires and wants in order to move a project, relationship or other goal forward. Right?

Taurus can be a good sign sometimes, but not always. You would be wise to change your perspective. Instead of trying to be everything to everyone, narrow your focus. Focus on what's important to you and let go of the rest.


May 21 - Jun 20

As an imaginative air sign, you don't let a lot bring you down. You can keep your head high above the clouds, even if you are surrounded by cynicism. Recently, however, you feel less inspired and motivated than ever.

It's tempting to give up and wallow in despair. But, it is best to resist the urge. It will pass, but only when it is ready. Do not force it. This problem should be cut at the roots and not the stem.

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Jun 21 - Jul 22

Sometimes it can be difficult to comprehend the vastness of your emotions. Your emotions can cause you to move around like a stormy sea. Only you can steer the ship towards calmer waters.

Take the time to think about what tangible steps you can take to improve your mental health. Start small if you can. You can never make a significant change overnight. You can transition at your own pace, even though it may seem almost impossible right now.


Jul 23-Aug 22

Not just because you are comfortable with certain aspects of yourself does not mean they are positive. Self-love is fine. When you start enabling negative behaviors and habits, it can be a problem.

It is difficult to hold yourself accountable, but it is something you should do. Change is not weakness. Evolution is a constant. Leo, it's not the other way around that evolution is inevitable. This is a positive thing.


Aug 23-Sept 22

Usually pragmatic does not mean that you are immune to occasional irrationality. Don't trust your actions too much that you don't have the ability to critique them. You won't see your feelings through a neon sign.

They are actually far subtler. They will influence your words and actions more than you think. It is important to choose carefully between the two. Do not allow for misinterpretation. Take the time to relax when you need it.


Sep 23-Oct 22

We rarely get everything we desire in life. It's up to you to decide what priority is given to which item. These choices are yours alone. You will have to analyze, meditate, and weigh all the options.

This reality will not force you to spiral. Your priorities will change as your life changes. What was once put on the back burner will eventually be brought to the forefront. It's impossible to do everything at once.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

We are all different people from years ago. Most of us aren’t the same people months back. You have probably noticed that your values have changed over the years. This isn't always a bad thing Scorpio.

Instead of resisting the change, embrace it. What positives can you see from a different perspective? You would notice a change in the nostalgia surrounding your past situation if you took a moment to reflect on it.


Nov 22 - Dec 21

You must be careful not to let the lure of success blind you to your core values, Sag. Do you keep the company you love because they make your feel better, empower and inspire? Do you feel it helps your social standing?

What about professional endeavors appeals? Are you focusing on the positive effect it will have or the potential reputation? Are you really achieving anything or are you just doing it for self-gratification? These are the questions that the stars encourage you to ask before you move forward.

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Dec 22 - Jan 19

Either you can let the obstacle get to you, or you can keep trying. While the former is a guarantee of failure, the latter offers an opportunity to overcome it. Resignation is the easiest option but it provides the most value.

Even if you had to resign, another obstacle could come along your way. You might as well keep moving forward with this one. Remember Cap--the Cap--the Cap--the devil that you know is better then the one that you don't.


Jan 20 - February 18

You might be unsure where to go next if you don't know what to do. What is your inner metric? Your emotions or intuition? When was the last decision you made that relied on these internal metrics? Maybe it's time for you to get back in touch with that part.

Although it may not always provide the answer we desire, this perspective almost always provides the answer we need. In the grand scheme, the latter is more important for personal growth than either the former.


February 19-20, 2019

The outside world doesn't have to reflect your rose-colored perspective. You are responsible for seeing the world as it is. Although your romantic nature can be admirable, it can also be deceiving.

This can easily lead to negative outcomes. False projections can also be harmful. You can take things as they are and move on from there. Pay attention to what you see and not what you think.

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By: Madame Miranda
Title: November 6-12 Horoscope: Emotions, Ego, And Rebellion
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/november-6-12-horoscope-emotions-ego-rebellion/2686892/
Published Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:05:00 +0000

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