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Queen Elizabeth Allegedly "Dying in Plain Sight" After the 'Leukemia Crisis’ Hospitalization. Unverified Report Claims

Queen Elizabeth in a blue outfit and hat

Was Queen Elizabeth secretly diagnosed as having cancer? According to one tabloid, the queen is fighting for life under everyone's radar. This is what we know so far about the queen's diagnosis.

Queen Elizabeth in 'Secret Fight For Life?

The National Enquirer reports that Queen Elizabeth II is trying to downplay the seriousness of her recent health problems. The news that Her Majesty was admitted to hospital for the night spread quickly, but the palace quickly assured the public that it was only a temporary stay. The magazine was told by sources that the queen had been secretly diagnosed with leukemia. Insiders say it's "worse than anyone knows." She's fighting for her very life! We are worried that she will not make it to the end of the year.

According to the source, "The palace has panicked, but they are downplaying the crisis." Prince Charles and Camilla are continuing to perform their duties. Prince William and Kate took their three children with them on vacation. They are trying to present an "everything's fine" front. "But the truth is Her Majesty's fading fast," the tabloid points out a photo showing the queen with what appears to be bruises on her hands. "Bruising in an elderly woman that is not due to trauma can indicate a blood cancer such as leukemia or lymphoma.

According to the magazine, she may also be suffering from takotsubo cardiacmyopathy (or what is often called "broken-heart syndrome") after her husband's death, Prince Philip. To make things worse, Prince Harry (and Meghan Markle) continue to stress the queen with their attacks on the crown. "Her Majesty tried not to be overwhelmed by it all and kept her grief over Philip at bay through working harder than ever," she said, but "She can't remain superwoman forever."

Although it is true that the queen has had to withdraw from public engagements due to her health, there are no grounds to believe she is suffering from a terminal illness. The tabloid's only evidence is photos of the queen with bruised hands and words from dubious "insiders." Second, it is not unusual for seniors to experience mild bruising after minor traumas. It's unlikely that her hospital stay was the cause of her hands bruising.

The queen was also ordered to cancel her official visits. However, she is not on bed rest. She returned to the palace and went back to work. Even though she was not accompanied by a driver, she was seen driving on the palace grounds. It's obvious Her Majesty isn't as strong for public appearances anymore, but it's rude to say she's dead without any evidence. The tabloid exploited the queen's recent health problems to sell magazines. Readers shouldn't believe a single word of this shameful story.

The Tabloid on the Royals

We wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the first time that the National Enquirerlies about the British Royal Family. The tabloid reported last year that the queen's marriage with Prince Philip was "collapsing." Next, it claimed that the queen had "banned" Kate Middleton to have more children. According to the magazine, Prince William was afraid he would go blind. The outlet also reported that Meghan Markle was banned from the palace by the queen. The Enquirerisn’t reliable when it concerns the royals.


By: Ariel Gordon
Title: Queen Elizabeth Allegedly ‘Dying In Plain Sight’ After ‘Leukemia Crisis’ Hospitalization, Unverified Report Claims
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/queen-elizabeth-allegedly-dying-in-plain-sight-after-leukemia-crisis-hospitalization-unverified-report-claims/2598913/
Published Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2021 16:00:00 +0000

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