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These are the 7 wildest animal TikTok stories of 2021

These are the 7 wildest animal TikTok stories of 2021

Ghost vs. dog, girl vs. bear, pigeons vs. two other meaner pigeons... 2021 saw some wild face-offs involving animal -- all captured on TikTok.

Many go there in desperate hopes of being the next viral dance craze. But those who are well-informed know that TikTok is all about its animal videos.

There were some wild stories about creatures prowling around in 2021 -- here are seven of the best!

7: A Dog-Gone Incredible Rescue

The incredible rescue of a dog bound to a train track was done in a last-minute fashion.

6: Bit slow on the uptake

TikTok is, as it turns out to be, a great place to learn about animals. You might ask for it beforeyou get it.

5: Neverglides Everglades

Ever wonder what it is like to be inside the jaws of an alligator? This man found out, fortunately remotely:

4. The Great Esnakpe

It's hard to be an animal expert without common sense. This snake "expert" has proven it.

3: A Murder Most Fowl

Warning! Graphic content - This video contains attempted murder.

2: Ghost Gets Collared

Paranormal activity can be sensed by animals, but this dog was not given much choice.

1: Bear Mauls Teengirl... It's the Other Way Around

It's not just animal video of year, but video of all time. It's actually the greatest video of all time:


Title: The 7 Wildest Animal TikTok Stories of 2021
Sourced From: toofab.com/2021/12/27/tiktok-animal-stories-2021/
Published Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 20:20:29 +0000

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