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Will Smith reveals his rage over Tupac's relationship with Jada Pinkett Smith

Will Smith reveals his rage over Tupac's relationship with Jada Pinkett Smith

Smith claims that he was tortured by their relationship in his memoir.

In his memoir "Will", Will Smith spoke out about his early relationship with Jada pinkett Smith and how Tupac Shakur made him feel very insecure.

Smith explained that Jada and the rapper were high school classmates who fought to "their way from the weight of neglect and abuse" to become household names. Smith also shared how his close relationship made him feel a certain way when they first began dating.

He wrote that even though they never became intimate, their love was legendary. "They defined 'ride-or-die'." Their connection was the most painful thing in my life at the beginning of our relationship. He was 'PAC! He was 'PAC!, and I was him."

Smith stated that Shakur displayed a "fearless passion that was intoxicating and militant morality and a willingness and to fight for what he believed to be right" -- which rekindled a feeling of inadequacy that he felt first when he saw Harry standing up to his abusive father.

Smith wrote, "Pac was like Harry. He triggered the perception that I was a coward." "I hated the fact that I wasn’t like him in the world. I felt a sense of jealousy. I wanted Jada would look at me that way."

Will and Jada continued to develop their relationship. Jada became less available to spend time with her friend over the years. Smith described this as "a twisted type of victory".

He said, "If she chooses me over Tupac," adding that he was not a coward. "I have never felt more validated." Although I was in the same room as Tupac several times, I never spoke with him. Jada's love for 'Pac made me incapable of becoming friends with him. I was too young."

Jada and Tupac met at The Baltimore School for the Arts as students. In the past, she said that they had once shared a "disgusting" kiss and decided to keep their relationship platonic.

In 2017, Jada spoke with Howard Stern. She said that she and Pac got into "hardcore" fighting before his death because she was afraid his life would spiral into "a destructive direction." They were not speaking when he was shot to death in September 1996. The next year, Jada and Will were married.

"Will" is now available


Title: Will Smith Details 'Raging Jealousy' Over Tupac's Relationship with Jada Pinkett Smith
Sourced From: toofab.com/2021/11/09/will-smith-tupac-shakur-jada-pinkett-smith/
Published Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2021 15:26:59 +0000

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