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Celeb couples who died together


Heartbreak is one of the most painful things in the world, and the heartbreak that comes with the death of a partner is unlike anything else. When two people have committed to each other for life, the death of one can be a crippling blow to the other — studies have shown that people can experience a very real medical condition called “broken heart syndrome.”
Sometimes, not long after one partner’s death, the other goes as well. The reasons why vary, and it’s impossible to truly say if it’s because of a broken heart or not, but it can happen to anyone, even celebrities. Here are a few celeb couples who died close together.

#Couples #Relationship #PassedAway

Johnny and June Carter Cash | 0:00
Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack | 1:07
George H.W. and Barbara Bush | 2:29
James and Audrey Callaghan | 3:52

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