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Jada pinkett Smith Rumors: Top 10 Grossest That Have Turned out To Be Correct

jada pinkett smith cheating

Top 10 GROSS Jada Pinkett Smith Rumors That Turned Out To Be True
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Jada Pinkett Smith have faced tons of speculation about her relationship her marriage over the years. She's had been shutting down rumors for literally decades—from claims they’re in an open relationship and speculation they’re swingers to totally false whispers that Jada cheated on Will with Marc Anthony. But of course, part of that did turn out to be true in the end. So in this video, we're counting down the top 10 gross Jada Pinkett Smith rumors that turned out to be true!

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:18- Jadas Biases
1:28- Bad Mom
2:38- Relationship Driven By Money
3:40- Manipulative
4:30- Made Snoop Dogg Cry
5:33- Cheating Scandals
6:29- Forced To Marry Will
7:20- She's a Scientist
8:06- She Wanted To Get Divorced For Years
9:00- She Yelled At Barbie

Hosted By:
Nathan Gennoe:

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