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Jada Pinkett Smith Top Ten Times Embarrassed Will Smith

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Top 10 Times Jada Pinkett Smith Embarrassed Will Smith
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We all know that Will Smith has had his reputation destroyed by Jada Pinkett Smith. From forcing an open marriage to humiliating him on Red Table Talk it's easy to see why his career is over. So, Let's jump into Top 10 Times Jada Pinkett Smith Embarrassed Will Smith right here on Top 10 Beyond The Screen.

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:17- The Affair
1:17- Her Birthday
2:23- Bad Parenting
3:19- Red Table Talk
4:11- Feelings For Tupac
5:15- Swingers
6:15- Intimacy Issues
7:17- The Prenup
8:23- Forcing Will
9:30- Marriage

Hosted By:
Stacey Taylor:

Edited By:
Lauren Brock:

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