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The 10 Dumbest Celebrities who were Scammed out of MILLIONS

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Top 10 DUMBEST Celebrities Who Were Scammed Out Of MILLIONS
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Many people look up to their favorite celebrities for inspiration, hope, and direction. However, celebrities are human and like ordinary people, are vulnerable one way or another. Celebrities are not stupid, at least not all of them. But sometimes, they can be too trusting and that often opens a window of opportunity for people they trust to take their hard-earned money. Everyone makes mistakes, and celebrities, no matter how bright or popular they are, are clearly not exempted.

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:13- Uma Therman
1:09- Shakira
2:20- Liv Tyler
3:30- Elton John
4:07- Nic Cage
5:22- Ben Stiller
6:23- Robert De Niro
7:30- Mel B
8:27- Cindy Crawford
9:20- Kiefer Sutherland

Hosted By:
Nathan Gennoe:

Edited By: