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The 10 worst casting choices ever made in Hollywood

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Top 10 WORST Casting Choices Ever Made In Hollywood
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If you're a movie fan, be sure to watch this video and learn about the biggest Hollywood casting disasters of all time. From disasters in the casting process to terrible movie sequels, these choices have all led to big disappointment for audiences everywhere! So let's jump right into Top 10 WORST Casting Choices Ever Made In Hollywood, on Top 10 Beyond The Screen!

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:10- Mindy Kalin as Yelma
1:32- Dwayne Johnson as Hercules
2:31- Jared Leto as The Joker
3:52- George Clooney as Batman
5:58- Tome Cruise as The Mummy
7:23- Topher Grace as Venom
8:44- Mike Myers as The Cat In The Hat
10:03- Scarlett Johansson in Ghost In a Shell

Hosted By:
Nathan Gennoe:

Edited By:
Ryan Lorenzetti:

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