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The 10 worst celebrity paparazzi scandals

celebrity gossip

Top 10 WORST Celebrity Paparazzi Scandals
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In this video, we'll be taking a look at the Top 10 WORST Celebrity Paparazzi Scandals. Hollywood is known for having paparazzi that... know how to do their job. So when scandals arise involving paparazzi, isn't it sort of like them going above and beyond? Aside from the potential gossip that could stem from the scandal, the paparazzi should be in the clear. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the celebrities on the receiving end. Join us as we dive into the best of the best, or in this case, the worst of the worst. So sit back, relax, and let's get into it, here on Beyond The Screen!

#justinbieber #top10 #paparazzi #celebrity #kanyewest #britneyspears #willsmith #seanpenn #tobeymaguire #leonardodicaprio #hollywood #exposed #gossip #beyondthescreen #scandal #entertainment

Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:11- Lindsey Lohan
1:01- Kanye West
2:06- Britney Spears
2:51- Hugh Grant
3:56- Will Smith
4:51- Justin Bieber
5:58- Sean Penn
7:15- Tobey Maguire
8:15- Nicole Kidman
9:37- Leo DiCaprio

Hosted By:
Nathan Gennoe:

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