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The Top 10 Actors BANNED from Losing Weight

weight loss transformation

Top 10 Actors Who Were BANNED From Losing Weight
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Rebel Wilson's weight loss was huge in celebrity news, everyone was proud of her hard work and how much it had paid off. She wanted to make these changes years earlier but was BANNED by contract from losing any weight for her roles. So, let's jump into the Top 10 Actors Who Were BANNED From Losing Weight right here on Top 10 Beyond The Screen.

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:27- Rebel Wilson
1:25- Jonah Hill
2:28- Renee Zellweger
3:39- Seth Rogan
4:35- Brendan Fraser
5:35- Charlize Theron
6:48- Vincent D'Onofrio
7:57- Jared Leto
9:05- Rob McElhenny
10:14- Colin Farrell

Hosted By:
Stacey Taylor:

Edited By:
Claudia Leung: