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The Top 10 Celebrities Who Fooled Their Friends For Years - Part 2.


Top 10 Celebrities That Fooled Their Fans For YEARS - Part 2
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The celebrities on this list lied or deceived their fans for YEARS. They kept huge parts of their lives from the world, and when fans found out it caused major scandals for these celebs. From lying about their age to breaking the law, let's jump into the Top 10 Celebrities That Fooled Their Fans For YEARS - Part 2.

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:18- Jennifer Lopez
1:25- Chrissy Teigen
2:28- Bow Wow
3:29- Shania Twain
4:42- Nicki Minaj
5:48- Britney Spears
6:53- Martha Stewart
8:14- Rick Ross
9:17- Sean Kingston
10:11- Khloe Kardashian

Hosted By:
Stacey Taylor:

Edited By:
Brianna Raakman:

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