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They treat their fans like trash by musicians

music stars

Music is one of the greatest art forms in the world. But when you grow to really love a person’s music, it can be difficult to separate the person from the art. It’s important to remember that musicians, like any other celebrity, come in all types.
While some famous musicians — like Beyoncé or Taylor Swift — are known for having a great relationship with their fans, others are known for the exact opposite. From dissing their fandom's chosen name, to being two hours late to their own concert, to signing profanity instead of an autograph, these are the musicians who treat their fans like trash.

#JustinBieber #ArianaGrande #KanyeWest

Justin Bieber | 0:00
Ariana Grande | 1:30
Kanye West | 2:43
Christina Aguilera | 4:04
Gene Simmons | 5:14
Madonna | 6:25
Meek Mill | 7:35
Toby Keith | 8:54
Lauryn Hill | 9:46

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