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Top 10 GROSS Red Carpet Interviews of Celebrities That Landed Them in Jail

ashley graham oscars interview hugh grant

Top GROSS Celebrity Red Carpet Interviews That Got Them Fired
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Award ceremonies are arguably the biggest night of the year for many actors and actresses. Not only do they experience the excitement that comes with a nomination (or even just by simply being in attendance), but it can also be a major fashion moment for them. Unfortunately, things don't always work out when it comes to the red carpet interviews! Some of them are so bad they can even destroy a stars career! So in this video we're counting down the 'Top GROSS Celebrity Red Carpet Interviews That Got Them Fired!'

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:13- Kate Hudson
1:03- Zac Efron
2:15- Jim Carrey
3:30- Taylor Swift
4:32- David Letterman
5:21- John Mayer
6:17- Jay Leno
7:15- Amy Schumer
8:21- The Marvel Interview
9:25- Will Smith

Hosted By:
Nathan Gennoe:

Edited By:

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