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TV Journalists You Didn't Realize Died


From the sudden death of a sports reporter in Qatar to the demise of a longtime investigative journalist, life-threatening health issues unfortunately aren't unheard of among TV news anchors. Here are a few TV journalists you may not have realized passed away.

#Journalists #TV #PassedAway

**Bernard Shaw** | 0:00
**Grant Wahl** | 1:24
**Tim Russert** | 2:59
**Bill Plante** | 4:02
**Uma Pemmaraju** | 5:11
**Peter Jennings** | 6:24
**Fred Hickman** | 7:24
**Hugh Downs** | 8:05
**Bobbie Battista** | 9:08
**Cokie Roberts** | 9:52
**Drew Griffin** | 11:12

Voiceover By: Chrissy Baker

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