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What Evan Peters Really Thinks About His Dating Life

nicki swift

Evan Peters is one of the central players from American Horror Story, and he pops up in other shows and movies all the time. We're not interested in his screen highlights, though. Instead, we want to know about the private life of the man with the golden locks, especially when it comes to the ladies he likes to date. Peters' dating history is a colorful one, and he's been involved with costars as well as women he met in more conventional settings. Some of these relationships ended perfectly amicably, but there's some interesting drama to uncover as well. This is the truth about Evan Peters' dating history.

#Celebrity #EvenPeters #Dating

The first AHS costar | 0:00
Finding love at Coachella | 1:37
Blogged about by an ex | 2:11
Not clicking with Emma Roberts | 3:21
Serious relationship problems | 4:45
Engaged | 5:58
A rocky relationship | 7:01
A brief romance with Halsey | 8:23
Evan Peters is single | 9:50

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