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Will Smith's Career: 10 ways he destroyed it

chris rock

Top 10 Ways Will Smith Destroyed His Career
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Jada Pinkett Smith has ruined Will Smiths reputation in Hollywood. He is struggling to get hired for movie roles and his A-list friends no longer want to be seen with the canceled star. So, let's jump into the Top 10 Ways Will Smith Destroyed His Career right here on Top 10 Beyond The Screen.

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:24- The Slap
1:24- Marriage Problems
2:28- Margot Robbie
3:40- No Punishment
4:38- After Earth
5:43- Aunt Viv
6:47- Scientology
7:57- Reporter
9:02- Academy Awards
10:04- Breaking The Law

Hosted By:
Madi Mayhew

Edited By:

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