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After a patient arrives with a WWII Artillery Shell, he is called by Bomb Squad to Call Hospital

After a patient arrives with a WWII Artillery Shell, he is called by Bomb Squad to Call Hospital

It was so slippery that he "slipped and fell".

After a patient brought in a World War II artillery bullet, a hospital in the UK had to alert the bomb squad.

Unnamed civilian patient who collects military memorabilia presented to the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. He said that he had "slipped and fallen" on the anti-tank round, which is 7 inches long by 2.5 inches wide, while cleaning out his home.

The Sun reported that troops from the 11 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Regiment immediately rushed to make sure the device didn’t explode.

According to a source, the outlet was told by a source that the man claimed that he found the shell while clearing out his stuff. "He claimed that he placed it on the ground and then fell on it -- it got up his a-e."

He was in great pain. He probably collected military memorabilia.

According to police, they responded to a "report that a patient presented with a munition within his rectum".

A spokesperson stated that the item was removed before police arrived and that the Army's Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team were contacted.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence said: "We can confirm that an Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team was dispatched to Gloucestershire upon request of local police."

The shell was inert so no one was in danger, except the patient.

It was a solid shot round. "It was a large, pointed lump of lead that was designed to cut through the armor of a tank," a defense source stated.

"It was basically an inert lump metal, so there wasn't any risk to my life, at least not to mine."

A spokesperson for the hospital confirmed that there was no danger to staff, patients or visitors from any incident involving munitions.

The patient was released after being treated and is expected to fully recover. However, one doctor said that the round could have caused him to die if it had pierced his stomach.

She said, "The variety of objects that can be pushed into rectums are incredible, from wine glasses and ketchup bottles to parts of hoovers,"

"Sadly, it's an everyday occurrence at A&E -- but I haven't heard of the bomb squad being called to out before."


Title: Bomb Squad Called to Hospital After Patient Arrives With WWII Artillery Shell in His Rectum
Sourced From: toofab.com/2021/12/06/bomb-squad-called-to-hospital-after-patient-arrives-with-wwii-artillery-shell-in-his-rectum/
Published Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 18:10:57 +0000

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