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Author Becomes Overnight Bestseller After Video of Him Trying to Sell Books at Super Market Goes Viral

Author Becomes Overnight Bestseller After Video of Him Trying to Sell Books at Super Market Goes Viral

TikToker (aka Internetfamouslol), a TikToker who has become a viral sensation, says that the Army Vet was "super defeated" when he first passed him.

Shawn Warner, a retired army veteran, could not have predicted this plot twist.

A Texas man who published his first book recently has become an overnight internet celebrity and bestselling author, all because a TikToker walked by him randomly at a grocery store.

Jerrad, who is also known as TikToker Red and "internetfamouslol", was identified by NYP. He shared a social media video of his meeting with Warner.

In the video ( beneath), Warner can be seen alone at a table in a Texas supermarket, with a pile of books.

"This new writer seemed to be super defeated as I first walked by him. Swearenjin recalled the moment. "I decided to return before I left the shop." I just wanted to be kind and show someone kindness. I thought about all the times when I had worked hard but never received any acknowledgement.

The TikToker, along with another man, approach Warner to ask about his book. It's an incredibly vulnerable and human moment.

Warner told them that the book is about "a girl who teams up with an apparition with multiple personalities in order to solve the mystery surrounding the murder of her parents."

Warner's mood is visibly lifted in the clip as he realises that the two men are truly interested in his writing -- especially when they tell him they want to "support a locally-based author."

Swearenjin tells him that he would like an extra copy signed to give away via his TikTok. He tells him, "I'm going to gift it and we can see if we can get a little love for you on there."

Warner replies, "Okay. I won't refuse."

The video quickly surpassed 18 million views.

Swearenjin noticed the next day that Warner had gone from two reviews on Amazon to nearly 100X. Warner was also instantly a "number-one best-selling Amazon author."

Warner, in response to the responses, said: "I want to thank everyone for their love and kindness towards the video." It was completely unexpected. "I'm shocked... I don’t know what to say right now."

In a later video, he added that the hardcover book and audiobook version would be available soon.

Warner, awash with emotion, said: "You know that when [Swearenjin] spoke to me I was so eager to speak to anyone at that time because my sales were lagging." "It was an incredible thing to happen after that, and I owe it all to your generosity and kindness." "Thank you."

The caption read: "I wanted to write books people would enjoy reading. What has happened is beyond my expectations. "I'm so grateful."

Warner describes on his website the difficulties he faced in pursuing his childhood goal of becoming an author. He was told "you can't earn a living doing that," advice which he admitted he had "been dumb enough to listen" to until recently.

Last November, Warner's first book, Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor ,, was published.

Barnes & Noble has also made the novel a bestseller.


Title: Author Becomes Overnight Bestseller After Video of Him Trying to Sell Books at Super Market Goes Viral
Sourced From: www.toofab.com/2023/07/07/shawn-warner-becomes-overnight-bestseller-after-tiktok-video/
Published Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2023 19:05:10 +0000

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