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Dean Cain doesn't think Superman's Coming Out As Bisexual is 'Bold' or Brave.

Dean Cain doesn't think Superman's Coming Out As Bisexual is 'Bold' or Brave.

Actor Stephen King turned his Superman slam to a rant about government overreach, human trafficking, and the Taliban.

Dean Cain, a former Superman, had many words to say about Superman's news -- Jon Kent version at least -- being outed as bisexual in a DC comic.

The actor said that while "Fox & Friends” claimed it was a bold new direction but he believes they are just following the trend. "Robin just revealed that he is bi -- are you really shocked? The new Captain America gay. My daughter, in Supergirl , where I was the father, was homosexual. It's not bold, brave, or a crazy new direction.

He said, "If they'd done it 20 years ago that would have been bold or brave."

The actor said, "Brave would be to have him fighting for Iran's rights for gay people where they'll throw your officiating of being gay." They're discussing having him fight climate change, the deportation and he's currently dating a hacktivist, whatever that is. They should have him fight against the injustices that led to the deportation of the refugees he protests. It would be brave. I'd love to read that."

Cain then spoke on-air about the injustices of government overreach, human trafficking and the Taliban as issues that he wanted the new Superman would address.

Cain's comments caused a backlash online. Tom Arnold, who frequently feuds with Cain, tweeted, "If Dean Cain doesn't want me to stop being mean about him on Twitter, he shouldn't make that so easy."

Rahul Kohli, the actor of "Midnight Mass", had some more words for Cain. He played Superman in "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" four times during the 90s.

"Oh f--- off. Straight isn’t the default anymore. Queer characters can be straightened out of comic books by being able to do so without making groans. It's 2021, so get out of here! You're also the worst Superman, and Nic Cage has worn the costume.

"Who is he that can judge what's bold?" Is he speaking for the millions LGBTQIA youth who feel represented by Jon Kent? Kohli continued. Kohli continued, "He's not the voice of this community, it's no of his business."

"You don't get to decide if *this* or *that* representation in film/tv/books is lazy/forced/unnecessary," Kohli wrote in another tweet. "That's where the community can shut down and listen to their feelings about their character. It's amazing how important it is to them.

DC announced Monday that Earth's Superman Jon Kent (son of Clark Kent and Louis Lane) would enter into a relationship with a male reporter. The announcement was made in the November 9th issue of Superman: Son of Kal-El.

Tom Taylor, writer for DC and Warner Bros. said that "I have always believed everyone needs heroes" and that everyone should see themselves as their heroes. Superman's symbol stands for hope, truth, and justice. This symbol today represents more. More people can now see themselves as the most powerful superhero from comic books."


Title: Dean Cain Doesn't Think Superman Coming Out as Bisexual Is 'Bold or Brave'
Sourced From: toofab.com/2021/10/12/dean-cain-blasts-superman-bisexual/
Published Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 23:31:28 +0000

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