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Henpecked George Clooney Gives Up on Hollywood to Save "Crumbling Marriage" To Amal

George Clooney in a black suit with AMal Clooney in a white dress

George Clooney is considering quitting acting to please his wife Amal. One tabloid reports that George and his wife, Amal, are having marital difficulties, which has caused George to stop taking on acting gigs. Gossip Cop examines the story.

George Clooney, 'Henpecked', 'Shrinks His Career To Please Amal'

A recent report by the National Enquirer states that George Clooney "meekly set Hollywood aside" in order to save his marriage with Amal. After the quarantine restrictions were lifted George was offered multiple roles in ads and movies. Sources claim that Amal has "put her foot down" to her husband's hectic schedule. According to the tabloid, Amal and George made a deal where George could only work on one movie per year.

According to the outlet, George is being forced to cut back on acting gigs and give up his dream to work in politics. According to insiders, George is aware that Amal's demands are forcing him to reduce his work hours and give up his dream of becoming a politician. According to a source, George promised Amal that he would put their family and her first.

Are George and Amal Clooney's marriages in trouble?

The National Enquirer's most recent story about George Clooney and Amal Clooney appears to have been invented out of thin air. Amal and George were seen together with their children in an Australian home a few days ago. They are spending two weeks in Australia together for George's Tickets to Paradise. This doesn't sound like a "crumbling" marriage.

It is also difficult to believe that Amal is making her husband cut down on acting. They were seen together at George's Tender Bar premiere earlier in the month and seemed to be in love more than ever. George and Amal were both sexy as they walked down the red carpet. He has even made multiple movies this year. This is yet another clear sign that George and Amal don't have a "crumbling" marriage.

A Recycled Narrative on George and Amal Clooney

For a while, the National Enquirer has spread false rumors about George Clooney and Amal Clooney's marital disintegration. The outlet claimed that George was riding his motorcycles in a fight with Amal. Amal apparently "put her foot down so hard about motorcycles," which saved their "rocky marriage".

The tabloid portrays Amal as controlling and often forces George to submit to her demands. We don't know why. However, the tabloid usually has little or no evidence to support any of its claims.


By: Mackenzie Jerks
Title: Henpecked George Clooney Giving Up On Hollywood To Save ‘Crumbling Marriage’ To Amal?
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/henpecked-george-clooney-giving-up-on-hollywood-to-save-crumbling-marriage-to-amal/2595979/
Published Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2021 15:00:00 +0000

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