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How Kim Kardashian Reacted to Interview Backlash After Telling Women 'Get Your F---ing Ass Up and Work'

How Kim Kardashian Reacted to Interview Backlash After Telling Women 'Get Your F---ing Ass Up and Work'

The Kardashians' new episode showed Kim's struggles behind the scenes, while Kanye had issues.

Kim Kardashian was in trouble in March after she shared some advice with working women in a Variety interview. Although she tried to clarify her comments, the new episode of "The Kardashians", tonight's episode, highlighted what happened as Kim and her family responded in real-time to the backlash.

Kim was asked for her advice on women in business during a profile shoot for Hulu's first season. Kim's honest response was: "I have the best advice to women in business. Get your feet up and work." You will get results if you work hard.

Kim was only able to see criticism after her comments. Many called her out for failing to acknowledge the privileges she had and for the way she seemed to have always been ahead of the rest.

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I'm assuming that you saw all the negative reaction to the Variety interview. Kim called her mother to tell her that she was "mourned", and that it was all her fault. Kris Jenner attempted to calm her down by telling her daughter that it wasn't her fault. People misunderstood your point of view.

Kim confessed that she didn't make that statement to all women. Women are the most important people in my world, who have shaped and helped me to get where I am today. It was a terrible thing that I was misunderstood. "I'm sorry."

Kim was told by Kris to slow down and rest on it, but Khloe was furious and said, "It never stops." It will end. She replied, "No, it won’t end until you end." Guess what? We're made for this. Kim was unsure if she was "built to this", but Khloe said, "It is all noise, none it's real."

Kim and Khloe met with Kendall Jenner later to discuss the fallout of the interview.

"There has been so much happening because of that Variety interview. What I said about people working was what I meant. That is what I believe. Yes. Kim said that she believes you must work hard to achieve this... but was shocked by how angry people became. "Enough people were triggered so I want to take responsibility and understand why they feel the way they do. I understand that. Many people didn't have the same opportunities we did.

Kim said, "If people understood that," but she didn't. Kim went on to say, "Yeah, we grew-up privileged. But people don't know about the story of your mom and dad, who had to sell their Hidden Hills house because they couldn’t afford it. They had to move into an apartment. Mom really began her career and made money at fifty." I saw her do her dirty work. It was that experience that really motivated me to get into work.

She confessed that she felt like she had to do extra work to be taken seriously since she was "a reality TV girl with a tape" and noted that it "doesn't open doors."

Khloe, in her own confessional, defended Kim against the criticism. She said she would have been wrong no matter what her answer.

Khloe said that no matter what her answer was, people would still crucify her because they're always going to say, "What do you know? You were born with a spoon in your mouth." It's frustrating when people don't see you as you are. They want to make every word you say an attack on you and to show that you lack empathy and compassion for others. It's the right message but the wrong messenger.

Kendall said that "all of the false narratives around the family" had "gotten out control" before pointing at "the whole situation" Kim was dealing with. He was referring to Kanye's post about Kardashian restricting his access to their children.

Kanye wrote, "Oh, Kanye, I can't see them." Kim said, "I'm like, Kanye was here this morning. Stop with this narrative." Kim said, "But then I don’t want to go back-and-forth on the internet."

It's all gaslighting. Khloe said, "All of it is whatever narrative everybody wants to believe." Before concluding, Khloe suggested, "We should all buy them all lighters for christmas."

Hulu's "The Kardashians” will be airing new episodes on Thursdays.


Title: How Kim Kardashian Reacted to Interview Backlash After Telling Women 'Get Your F---ing Ass Up and Work'
Sourced From: toofab.com/2022/10/12/kim-kardashian-variety-backlash-kanye/
Published Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2022 05:00:05 +0000

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