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How to Pick and Use Crystals for Self-Love

A close up image of a self love and self healing crystal grid using sacred geometry and rose quartz crystals.

Self-love goes beyond being a trendy buzzword. It's about changing your habits and improving your relationship with yourself. Crystals and other spiritual tools for self-love can be used to help clear blocks and boost your vibration.

Crystals have a positive vibration that transfers their energy to you. This is why crystals used for self-love can enhance your overall results. However, it is important to concentrate on the best crystals for self love.

It's time for you to get to work once you have found the perfect crystal. You can use crystals in many ways. They can be worn as jewelry, held in meditation, used to journal, or even in the tub. Be careful not to put them in water as they can rust or dissolve.

Self-love: The Essentials


Your relationship with yourself can be improved which will in turn help you to have better relationships with others. How can you expect others to feel compassion and love if you don't have it for yourself? Self-love is a way to increase your vibration, which can help you manifest your goals through the law of attraction.

Self-love is believed to improve mental health and reduce anxiety and depression. You'll feel happier, less stressed, and more accepting of yourself and your needs.

The Different Crystals for Self-Love

Crystals can be used to boost self-love and make you a positive magnet. For self-love, you can place a crystal near your beauty products and other self-care products for several hour to allow them to absorb the energy. You can also add it to your bath (please ensure it is safe for water). ).

Rose Quartz

(Pam Walker/Shutterstock.com)

Rose quartz is a pink, pearly crystal that can be used to attract love. You will be able to forgive yourself, others, and with compassion. Rose quartz is a great stone to help you overcome self-esteem and confidence blocks. It will help you remember your worth and remind you that you are worthy of love.

Rose quartz is connected to both the Heart Chakra and the Throat. This stone opens users up to love and more. It promotes healing communication between family members and fosters deeper bonds with others. You may feel insecure, jealous, unworthy, or stuck in a relationship with someone whose Heart Chakra is blocked.

These vibration levels can help you to fix your relationship problems. Rose quartz is a great choice for parents who want to strengthen their connection with their children. Rose quartz can be used to help you feel connected, comforted and loved.


(Holly Mazour/Shutterstock.com)

Amazonite is available in many colors, including blue and green. It has warrior energy. The amazonite warriors, who used amazonite stone on their shields, gave rise to this strength. The tombs of Egyptian pharaohs and queens have been decorated with the crystal.

Amazonite stones are great for relieving anxiety and stress. It's great for people who have trouble setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. This crystal will help you to be more self-loving and encourage honesty, courage, and openness. It promotes rational thinking, tranquility, and compassion.

Amazonite, a stone that connects to the Heart and Throat Chakras, aids in communication and self-expression. It reduces melancholy, and it steers people away from the destructive behaviors that can be caused by disappointment or pain. These stones, like rose quartz crystals have energy that increases self-esteem, patience, and makes them ideal for self-love.



Rhodonite crystals tend to be pink, with black spots and white lines. This crystal, which focuses on the Heart and Root Chakras, improves self-confidence and promotes emotion independence. Rhodonite is a crystal that can be used to heal and strengthen oneself. It is also great for helping you overcome a loss or grieving.

Rhodonite is all about complete soul nourishment. It helps users be more compassionate towards themselves and encourages recognition and awakening of talent. This crystal will help you feel balanced and encourage you to move away from self-destructive behaviors towards the pure energy of your Heart Chakra Space.

If you have suffered a loss of confidence or trauma, you can use rhodonite to help you feel self-love. These stones can be comforting in difficult times, encouraging you to forgive, rebuild and move on.



Carnelian crystals, which are orange-red shades, are believed to open and balance the Sacral Chakra. They are a great energy for people who fear public speaking. Carnelian crystals are known as the "Singer's Stone" and can be used to help timid people sing or speak in front of an audience. These beautiful stones were worn around the necks of warriors in ancient times to increase their strength and courage during battle.

Carnelian can also improve coordination and oxygen flow during exercise, as it stimulates muscles and increases oxygen flow. It can also stimulate sex drive and increase fertility. Carnelian crystals are also known as the "Artist's Stone". They will inspire you to write, draw, paint, dance, sing and many other creative activities.

Three lower Chakras are connected to the carnelian, with the Root Chakra being the most important. This helps users stay grounded and balanced. These stones also link to the Sacral Chakra which stimulates appetites and improves attitudes. They also connect to the Solar Plexus Chakra which monitors and controls our ego and helps us overcome obstacles. These stones should be used when self-love requires a more aggressive approach.


(Holly Mazour/Shutterstock.com)

Citrine is available in a variety of colors, from light yellow to golden. It acts as a self-love stone that gives users a boost. Citrine's bright energy can help users overcome negativity and instill the power of positivity in them. Citrine stones can be compared to the sun because they provide similar benefits, such as warmth and mood-lifting.

Citrine appeals to the Solar Plexus Chakra and the Sacral Chakra. The Solar Plexus Chakra is what gives us our warrior strength. You may have difficulty maintaining your confidence and the Solar Plexus Chakra can become blocked. Sacral Chakra is connected to creativity, desire, intimacy, and creativity. You may feel overwhelmed or detached if your Sacral Chakra becomes blocked.

Citrine crystals can be used to help you feel self-love and positive feelings. It will help you to stay grounded, protect yourself from negative energy, and bring out your inner strength. It will take away any worries and struggles that you might be experiencing and allow you to stay positive.


(jimena terraza/Shutterstock.com)

Rhodochrosite is a salmon-colored crystal, and it's rightfully named after the Greek term for pink. These stones can be connected to the Heart Chakra, and help you find love and mercy. These stones can also help you heal from trauma or suppressed memories from past or present lives. If trauma from your past lives has an impact on your present life, it can cause unwanted barriers that keep you open to love and relationships.

Rhodochrosite vibrates in love energy, which heals your heart and energy field. It will help you be more compassionate for others and yourself. These stones will help you be more open to other people and make it easier to accept their feelings. Rhodochrosite can also bring back family members or friends you have lost touch with. They will help you connect with your inner child and lead you to forgiveness.


By: Rose Burke
Title: Tips For Picking And Using Crystals For Self-Love
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/using-crystals-for-self-love/2602964/
Published Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 21:30:00 +0000

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