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Oklahoma boy aged four has his entire arm torn off after trying to pet a Pit Bull puppy in grandmother's Pit Bull Breeding Pen

Oklahoma boy aged four has his entire arm torn off after trying to pet a Pit Bull puppy in grandmother's Pit Bull Breeding Pen

"I could see the arm in the dog's body, and the puppy was trying to chew it."

Oklahoma boy aged four lost his arm when he tried to pet a grandmother's puppy.

Axel Foster reached for the fence in the backyard of Tecumseh's Tecumseh house on Friday night when one of the pitbulls bit his arm.

First responders found the child and his grandmother in their front yard with his right arm missing from his shoulder. Firefighters and police immediately applied a tourniquet and started looking for the missing limb to save it.

Tecumseh Police Department Chief JR Kidney stated to KFOR that the child's arm was still in pen.

One officer stated in a police report that he could see the arm of the dog and that one of the dogs was chewing on it.

Officers and animal control tried to recover the arm but one of the adult dogs became aggressive so they shot it.

"I have seen dog bites in my past, and I've had to deal with some very brutal dog bites with children," Chief Kidney stated.

Axel was rushed by ambulance to OU Medical Center where surgeons tried to reattach the mangled arm. They were unsuccessful, unfortunately.

Destiny McDow, his distraught mom, said that they raced to the hospital. "When we arrived, the nurses confirmed that his arm had been removed from his body."

"He had to undergo surgery to have his left arm reattached to the body. He's now four years old."

"I don’t know what he’s going through. It's not something I have ever experienced. She said that he was only a child. "What if he doesn’t make it?"

Destiny attacked her ex-husband's parents and their parents in a GoFundMe post. Tecumseh PD, and the Department of Human Services are currently investigating whether Axel had been under supervision at the time of the attack.

Chief Kidney stated that the grandparents could be charged with neglect if Axel is found to have been unsupervised.

What kind of Christmas will this child have? What kind of life is this child going to have? He said. "It's supposed be the happiest and most joyful time of year, but they've got this tragedy on them."

It's not a simple act of love for puppies that is traumatic.


Title: 4-Year-Old Oklahoma Boy's Entire Arm Torn Off After Trying to Pet Puppy in Grandmother's Pit Bull Breeding Pen
Sourced From: toofab.com/2021/12/15/oklahoma-boy-arm-torn-off-pet-puppy-grandma-pit-bull-breeding-pen/
Published Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2021 17:20:31 +0000

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