The children of the former couple have very different accounts of what happened in their childhood home.
Since Jon & Kate plus 8 debuted in 2007, the Gosselin family has been awash in drama. Even though the show has been off the air for a while, the Gosselin family is still in a mess -- particularly after Jonand Kate's divorce. In the last few years, more allegations have been made about the family, and they seem to be divided on the reasons for Collin's time at a residential learning institution.
Collin, who was originally believed to have been sent to the facility because of his "special needs," has now claimed that he did not suffer from any mental illness that would require him to be removed. Collin claims that Kate treated him unfairly and, when he started to speak to his teachers about his alleged abuse at home, she transferred him to an institution in order to keep him quiet.
Kate and some Collin's brothers have a completely different story. Kate shared the truth after Collin's "tell-all" interview. She claimed that Collin was unpredictable and had violent outbursts which continue to this day.
"My son Collin whom I love to the core has had multiple psychiatric diagnosis over the years. "For the safety of my family, his siblings and myself and his well-being, I placed him in a facility after years of outpatient therapy which proved inadequate for his needs," wrote she in a written statement.
She added, "Unfortunately I think Collin is still a troubled young person who needs a lot more help." We haven't been involved with his life because of his unpredictable behavior and violent tendencies.
Jon responded by calling Kate's statements "false allegations" and claiming that even after not seeing her child for years, she "couldn't control her abusive language towards him."
Continue reading to find out what the other Gosselin children have to say.
Mady Gousselin
Mady is one of the twins who are Jon and Kate. She has always kept her private life. She told her TikTok fans in April 2023 that what people said about her family wasn't their business. She also said that her siblings "doing well" despite the rumors about their family.
She said: "Saying that my siblings and I are damaged or that we're 'crazy children stars', or whatever you call us, is harmful, as we're going to be working members of the society and have careers," she added.
Mady broke her silence after Collin made recent comments about their mother. She claims that what happened behind closed door was exactly as she described. In a long statement posted on Instagram, Mady accused Collin "physically" threatening every member of her family, even incidents that occurred as recently as last summer. She said that she did not plan to rebuild their relationship, particularly after the situation had "reach the point of physical abuse and hate speech."
I will not allow anyone who has shown hateful or violent behavior towards others because of their race, gender, or religious beliefs, to be a part of my life. "Kindness, tolerance and love are my core values and I refuse compromise them to anyone, including my brother Collin who unfortunately has made his views very clear in private," wrote she.
Cara Gosselin
Cara, the other twin of Jon and Kate, has been very quiet about her personal life, and has refused to speak in interviews. Jon claims that Cara and Mady have not spoken to him in 2014, nor was he invited to their graduations.
The U.S. Sun reported that Jon said, "I spoke with Mady and Cara last in 2014." "I regularly text Mady to see if they respond and, at this point I haven't heard from them."
Collin Gosselin
Collin is the most vocal of his siblings when it comes to how Kate allegedly treated him as a child. Kate sent him to a learning facility for "special needs" when he turned 12. He claims that after spending many years in the institution, he wrote Jon who then helped him remove from it and was awarded full custody. Collin called the institution "a scary place" and said he did not belong there. Jon even stated that Collin had never been "diagnosed" with any medical condition, aside from ADHD that would have required treatment in such a facility.
Collin recently reflected on his experience and called out her for treating him unfairly when he was a child. He admits that he was not a "perfect" child, but he believes his misbehavior was the same as his siblings. He says that Kate, who was "going through a lot" at the moment, unfairly took her anger out on him.
"I mean, divorces and other things can be difficult to deal with. You know, I'd like to think she was looking for someone to vent her frustration and anger on. And it was kind of me. I was both in the way and there. He said, "She chose me", he said recently on an episode of Dark Side of the 00s.
Collin claimed that Kate sent him away when he started telling his teachers that Kate was "abusive." He said that he believed she "had to put [him] someplace" where "he wouldn't be able get the secrets out."
He claimed that his time in the institution had a negative impact on him and left him in a "dark corner" without any support. He claims he is doing better since his father brought him home. He's heading to the Marines now that he graduated from college but hasn't spoken to his mom.
Hannah Gosselin
Hannah, Collin's sister, decided to move to live with their father after Collin was placed in an institution. Hannah said recently that she had been influenced by her decision to move because she saw Kate treat Collin unfairly before she moved.
He would be separated from me, like he wouldn't get to play outside with us. She said that he would eat at a different time than us.
She said that when she learned that Collin was living in an institution she "couldn’t understand" why a parent would do this to her child. She informed her father that day that she would not be returning home to live with her mother. Since then, she has been living with her dad. Hannah broke ties with Kate at that time but has tried to repair the relationship since then. She even invited Kate to her high-school graduation.
"I didn't know her when I moved in with my father. I had no relationship with her." She said, "We're working to repair our relationship. We at least want to talk more to each other."
Alexis, Aaden, Leah & Joel Gosselin
The Gosselin sextuplets are largely out of the limelight and avoid discussing their personal lives. As of 2022, while they appear to all have relationships with their mothers, they don't have any relationship with Jon.
"Communication is difficult with my children who live with Kate because I've been alienated." Jon told ET that he thought it was a bad parenting decision. "I've text them, but I haven't gotten a reply."
Title: What All The Gosselin Kids Have Said About Their Ongoing Family Drama
Sourced From: www.toofab.com/2023/07/30/what-all-the-gosselin-kids-have-said-about-their-family-drama/
Published Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2023 14:00:31 +0000
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