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Whitney Port reveals another miscarriage in emotional video: "There was no heartbeat"

Whitney Port reveals another miscarriage in emotional video: There was no heartbeat

Port cried, "The thought that just not having another kid is too painful for me to bear."

Whitney Port lost another baby to tragic circumstances.

A "The Hills" alum disclosed that she had miscarried on Wednesday. Port revealed that she had miscarried just two weeks ago. She and Tim Rosenman shared their plans to have their second child, but it was likely another unhealthy pregnancy. The reality star, 36, has previously had three miscarriages and a chemical pregnancy.

Port shared the news with her followers via her Instagram Story Wednesday.

She wrote, "I'm so sorry to say this, some of you may be watching on our latest YouTube video, but we lost that baby." "We learned yesterday that the baby had died. I don't know what else to say. I kept a complete verbal record of my thoughts and emotions last evening that I will share on my podcast next week.

She added, "Sending all of my love to you dealing with this right away." "And while I don’t want to be insensitive or make light of it, glass is half full. I don’t physically feel like a complete s--- anymore.

Port, who was sitting next to her husband, shared an emotional video to her YouTube channel this month. She said that she was pregnant but that her doctor was "pessimistic."

She choking up, saying, "I'm currently seven weeks pregnant. This is supposed to be exciting and it has been until yesterday." Because of my history of miscarriages, I have been to the doctor and keeping an eye on it. I have had two miscarriages, and one chemical pregnancy. Everything looked good until yesterday.

"I went to see the doctor, and he did an ultrasonography. She said that whatever was going on in there wasn't where it should be given my week, and later added that it was likely another unhealthy pregnancy.

Port and Rosenman also discussed their tragic loss in a YouTube video posted Wednesday. It shows that the doctor didn't hear a beat.

Port became emotional and said, "I went today to the eight [week] ultrasound and the four-day ultrasound. Last week, the baby had increased in size and he heard the heartbeat. This week, there was no heartbeat." "[The doctor] said it was done. That ultrasound showed that there was no embryo inside, and that the yolk sac was thin. This could have been a sign that it wasn't healthy at the beginning.

"We were clearly very hopeful, and I believed it would just continue to grow. She continued, cracking her voice.

According to the fashion designer, "everything looked good and was growing last week," so she "just didn’t think it was going back." She said, "You don't know what will happen in the first trimester."

Alumna of "The City", who has a 4-year-old son with Rosenman, said that their doctor recommended they "look into fertility tests and IVF." Port acknowledged that these options were not something she wanted to do, but she told Rosenman through tears that the thought of having another child was too difficult to bear.

Port continued to state that she would like to have the procedure to stop feeling the way she feels. She also shared that she has been so physically ill that it has made her feel "depressed."

"I just want to feel better physically and get my head straight. ... She said that she just wanted to be happier. Rosenman agreed, adding, "One step at time."

Port emotional concluded, "That's the update."

Whitney Port reveals another miscarriage in emotional video: There was no heartbeat


Title: Whitney Port Reveals She Suffered Another Miscarriage In Emotional Video: 'There Was No Heartbeat'
Sourced From: toofab.com/2021/11/18/whitney-port-suffered-miscarriage-emotional-video/
Published Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 19:30:12 +0000

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