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Donald Trump Jr.'s Bizarrest Behavior since His Father Left Office

donald trump

Of all the Trump children, Donald Trump Jr. is the most active on social media and television, especially the months after the end of the Trump Presidency. While Trump Jr. is most certainly a pundit and conservative firebrand on television, it's on Instagram where his unique voice and vision are allowed to thrive. Through this bouquet of conservative media outlets, and in front of live Republican audiences around the country, Don Jr. has broadcast his share of gaffes, meltdowns, and strange rhetorical strategies. Even though his father is no longer in office, Trump Jr. is very much a known voice within the MAGA movement, and we've surely not heard the last of him. This is Donald Trump Jr.'s most bizarre behavior since his Dad left office.

#Trump #DonaldTrump #DonaldTrumpJr

Claimed his dad emancipated conservatives | 0:00
Targeted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | 1:24
The latest MAGA Cameo star | 2:46
Wanted donations to help his dad | 4:04
Tried to do stand-up comedy | 5:03
Claimed social media is suppressing him | 6:06
Attacked U.S. Olympic athletes | 7:05
Implied agreement with the Taliban | 8:16
Pronouns, critical race theory and Afghanistan | 9:43
Ageist attacks against President Biden | 10:59
Juvenile insults directed at Biden | 11:46

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