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Jada Pinkett-Smith is the Real Reason Hollywood Will Not Cast Her Anymore

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The Real Reason Hollywood Won't Cast Jada Pinkett Smith Anymore
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Jada Pinkett Smith is one of the most talented and successful actresses in Hollywood, but lately, she's been having a hard time getting roles. In this video, we'll explore the reasons why Hollywood has chosen not to cast her in certain roles, and the connection to her past relationship with Will Smith.

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:20- Marrying Will
1:19- Substance Use
2:16- The Oscars
3:12- Controversial Podcast
3:57- Matrix Controversy
4:55- Scientology Affiliation
5:53- Too Full Of Herself
6:52- Bad Parenting
7:44- The Affair
8:45- Not In Demand

Hosted By:
Stacey Taylor:

Edited By:
Claudia Leung:

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