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Real Life Partners of The Cast Of Alaskan Bush People

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No one does off-the-grid better than the Browns. Since its premiere in 2014, “Alaskan Bush People” has made fans of country and city folk alike, with its unique take on what life is like in the middle of nowhere. The Brown family has shown the world their hunting, building, and tracking skills… but do they have any survival skills in love?
There’s only so much the cameras can capture, and how much of what we see on TV is reflective of what’s really happening behind the scenes? Let’s take a look at the real life partners of the cast of “Alaskan Bush People.”

#Alaska #AlaskanBushPeople #RealityTV

Joshua 'Bam Bam' Brown | 0:00
Bear Brown | 0:55
Gabe Brown | 1:47
Noah Brown | 2:30
Snowbird and Rain | 3:06
Matt Brown | 3:51
Ami Brown | 4:45

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