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The Cringe-Worthy Questions Reporters Could Not Resist Asking during Interviews

nicki swift

Actors and interviews: for many celebs it's a necessary evil, a form used to build hype for projects, ingratiate the star to fans, and to create a professional narrative that extends their careers. Most of the time these exchanges go well enough, and on occasion an actor and an interviewer will get along famously. Other times, though, these encounters go off the rails, as one party badgers the other, becomes inappropriate, or doesn't handle the situation with any sort of graciousness or sincerity. These conversational trainwrecks sure are fun to watch, though! Here are cringe-worthy questions reporters just couldn't resist asking during interviews.

#Cringe #Interviews #Celebs

Kristen Wiig | 0:00
Mayim Bialik | 1:32
Paris Hilton | 2:57
Lauren Conrad | 4:17
Scarlett Johansson | 5:43
Samuel L. Jackson | 7:16
Tom Hardy | 8:45
Cara Delevingne | 10:22
Cate Blanchett | 11:54
Quentin Tarantino | 13:23
Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt | 14:51
Barbara Walters | 16:23
Jennifer Aniston | 17:40
Ben Kingsley | 18:58
Amy Schumer | 20:13

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