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The Top 10 actors who took their roles too seriously

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Top 10 Actors Who Took Their Role Too Seriously
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In this video, we're going to talk about the Top 10 Actors Who Took Their Role Too Seriously. Hollywood is a funny place, and sometimes the actors who are supposed to be funny just end up being weird and creepy. From serious action stars to comedic actors, these actors went a little too far with their roles. So sit back, relax, and let's get into it, here on Beyond The Screen!

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
00:16- Tom Hanks
1:20- Jamie Foxx
2:16- Jim Carrey
3:35- Robert Pattinson
5:02- Nicolas Cage
6:21- Shia LaBeouf
7:23- Leonardo DiCaprio
8:09- Christian Bale
9:08- Jamie Dornan
10:00- Jared Leto

Hosted By:
Nathan Gennoe:

Edited By:
Alina Geana:

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