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Abby Huntsman calls out a toxic environment at The View and reveals why she really quit

Abby Huntsman calls out a toxic environment at The View and reveals why she really quit

She said that she was leaving to support her father's campaign. Now, it is a completely different story.

Meghan McCain's recent "Bad Republican” audiobook shattered her relationships at "The View", and Abby Huntsman, a former cohost, is now sharing more accusations of a toxic work environment.

She joined the daytime program in 2018, for the 22nd season. She would then announce her resignation in January 2020, less than two years after the pandemic. She stated that she was leaving her job to support her father's Utah gubernatorial campaign. But, it appears that this wasn't all that influenced her decision to leave.

On the premiere episode, she stated that people would act in ways that were not acceptable and that was part of the toxic environment. "But it was a show such as 'The View', it was like this was just what happens. Here we were going on the air criticizing other programs or people for doing things the wrong way or creating a toxic culture, and yet, I'm right there like I'm right in the middle. We don't have any words to say."

She stated that her father's campaign was "a great cover" because she felt "for a while" that the show didn't reflect her values.

She continued, "When I say that I mean rewarding people who do bad things," she said. "I will never be someone who writes a tell all book. That's not me. But there were executives in charge and I felt like we were players in their game. It was about money, ratings, and the tabloids. You had to let it all go on."

She spoke with The Daily Mail to discuss her podcast exit and the reasons she quit. She said that many of the executives she had worked for have left or been fired. But, yes, I felt threatened at times if they didn't want what I wanted.

After feeling trapped, she said that she wanted to be a role-model for Isabel.

"I looked at Isabel, my daughter, and thought: If she ever comes up to me and says, "I'm in a bad situation and I need to get out," I want to tell that to her. She said this, apparently in tears. "I did it for my children and I was so proud of myself that I was able to walk away. They told me when they left, "You won't find anything better than this."

Huntsman said that sometimes it felt like "they wanted to create tension" among the women on the show. She said, "It was part and parcel of their game that made it really difficult."

Abby stated that her time spent there was not normal or healthy. She said that she is happy now. She recalled feeling as if she was "living the best two years" after her departure.

She reflected back and concluded that she had made the best decision by leaving the show.

A spokesperson for "The View" stated that Huntsman's interview and podcast were both answered by her. A spokesperson for "The View" stated that 22 women were selected to sit on the panel. They also worked with a dedicated team of professionals. Abby will always be a part The View family, and we look forward for her next month visit to continue the conversation.


Title: Abby Huntsman Calls Out 'Toxic' Environment at The View, Reveals Why She Really Quit
Sourced From: toofab.com/2021/10/29/abby-huntsman-the-view/
Published Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2021 18:40:23 +0000

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