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Charles to be Crowned King by Prince Charles? Royal Expert Says Charles is Out

Prince Charles wears a khaki colored suit and sits on a red and gold throne

Who will be England's next ruler? Prince Charles could be the next in line but experts aren't sure if he will last. Let's find out what's happening.

Prince Charles is in Line

Common law and parliament dictate the rules of succession. Both names Prince Charles as the heir obvious. He has waited longer than anyone to be king, and if his mother is any indication, he will serve the rest of his life after he's coronated.

He may be forced to leave

Or so we have been led to believe. Anna Pasternak, a royal author, spoke to Vanity Fair regarding a different path. She stated that, after Prince Harry's departure and Meghan Markle's departure for the United States, she was not certain Charles would ascend to the throne.

Pasternak believes that the Duke and Duchess Sussex have opened pandora’s box by criticizing and naming the royal family. "The Sussexes are sparked something fundamentally incendiary within this country that is changing the face Britain. I think the monarchy, an archaic institution, may be overthrown."

William is popular and has momentum. Although Charles may find it difficult to abandon the throne, it could be in the best interests of the royal family. Pasternak explained that "it could be that there's such a groundswell against [Charles] so it's deemed preferable by the firm for William to ascend there because he's younger and more relatable."

Charles consistently has higher approval ratings than William. Elizabeth is the most popular royal, but her death could spell doom for the palace's future. Can William keep the nation together? Who knows?

Others Chime in

Diane Abbott, a former member of Parliament, said that the monarchy as we know will continue as long as the queen lives. She anticipates a heated public debate about the royal family and believes the institution will eventually lose much of its pomp and ceremony.

Martin Wiener, a British historian, believes Charles could end the British empire. Martin Wiener, a British historian, predicts that member states will drop out of the commonwealth. He said: "It would be like, ‘Who wants Charles to become our head? We are stuck with Charles."

Tabloid covers have been dominated by succession questions for many years. While there are valid reasons to believe Charles is not the best choice for the future monarchy, he will still be King. It is his birthright and he would need permission from Parliament to step down. Pasternak suggests that even if William took control, Charles would not relinquish the reins. We are not waiting.


By: Matthew Radulski
Title: Will Prince Charles Be Crowned King? Why Royal Expert Thinks Charles Is Out
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/will-prince-charles-be-crowned-king-why-royal-expert-thinks-charles-is-out/2605652/
Published Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 17:00:00 +0000

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