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December 26-January 1, Horoscope: Venus Retrograde is in Full Swing

a zodiac wheel featuring every sign on a blue and orange gradient

Venus, Earth's celestial neighbor, is most often associated with romantic love. This planet of love can also influence platonic relationships and self-esteem as well as appearances and money.

All of this is possible when Venus turns retrograde. Venusian retrogrades can shake our self-esteem and relationships.

This time is more likely to cause misunderstandings in your platonic and romantic relationships. You may also feel the need to make drastic changes in your appearance.

Every sign will experience the influence of this romantic, hopeless planet in a different way. How will yours do?

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces


March 20-April 19

Either we can let our pain, whether it's shame, disappointment, or grief, transform us or make us fall apart. Aries, which will you choose? It doesn't mean that we should forget the lessons it has taught us. We shouldn't assume that moving forward means forgetting the pain.

You've tied your ego into your past hurts. You're slowing down your healing process. Instead of retreating into your armored shell and becoming vulnerable, you should try to stay open.

It can be helpful to surround yourself with trusted friends and family. You can find your way out of the pain by remembering who you were before it.


April 19-May 20

Your retrograde Venus ruling planet can be blamed for making you feel a little uneasy in your relationships this week. Taurus, now is the time to protect your heart. You can no longer do what others tell you, but you should follow your heart.

There are many ways to guard your heart. This could be taking extra time to nourish your spirit and body. This could also be about addressing the pitfalls in your relationships. Both can be difficult.

The door to a great transformation is open. Before you can find the key, you might need to pull a few skeletons out of your closet.


May 20 - June 21

Gemini, your judgement has been clouded lately by emotions. It is difficult to establish boundaries because of your fear of being alone. You've felt misunderstood, and sometimes even treated badly.

How can you expect others to notice your feelings if you don't express them? Start hone your communication skills and stop requiring others to be telepathic.

Despite how difficult confrontation can be, it can still be the most powerful form love, for you and for others.


June 21-July 22

Cancer, the road to the top can be difficult. It's great that you feel energized about your career. You may have forgotten about your fears from the past, but you are feeling energized in your career.

Our lives often take place in two different forms. We can navigate them as our inner shadow and external selves. You feel hyperaware of the paradoxical difference between who you are and who you want to be as the Moon's only sign.

Progress is about change. This has not been your forte. It is possible for us to continue our evolution without abandoning our past selves.


July 22-August 22

In times of prosperity, it can be difficult to understand oneself. Our ability to shine is revealed when we face challenges, difficulties, and other obstacles. Despite feeling tired of all the difficulties in your life, you can take comfort in knowing that you will overcome them.

Take a look inward at the hidden, deep parts of yourself. It can be difficult to do this, given how busy you are with external presentations. Leo, you cannot put on a show for your own benefit. This is just not possible.

Understanding your inner self and all its flaws and quirks will help you to face your problems with wisdom and clarity.


August 22-September 22

You are used to being the one who has the plan. You are quick to create a wall around you whenever you feel doubt, fear or confusion. Instead of giving in to the chaos and not being in control, opt out.

Thus, your communication skills--and relationships--suffer. It's not weakness to ask questions and rely on others. It takes strength to accept that you cannot do it all. You may also find people who want to help you occasionally.

Let them help. This will make it easier for you to manage when they need you again.


September 22-October 23

Your ruling planet Venus has gone retrograde. You feel uncertain about your relationships and you are feeling uneasy. Libra, be careful. You won't find the clarity you are looking for by making drastic changes to yourself or threatening your relationship.

These solutions are not the best for deeper problems. Why are you so determined to rebel? Fear of being vulnerable and susceptible? Is your self-worth too closely tied to your outer appearance?

To find out, spend some time in nature. It will help you to see things from a different perspective.


October 23-November 22

The potential for misinterpretations is higher when Venus moves retrograde. These misunderstandings, when combined with Pluto, your ruling planet, are certain to have a transformative effect. Scorpio, be careful about how you navigate your relationships this week.

Directly opposite this retrograde-conjunction combo is a full Moon. Its light will highlight any problems in your home or family, internal or external.

These problems are not easy to see. Grudges are not good for anyone, not even yourself.


November 22-December 21

Although we tend to want them apart, it is possible to combine work and family life. Particularly, the perspective that we get from our romantic lives can be a benefit to our professional and personal well-being.

Learn the lessons from caring for others, and then apply them to your own life. Do not force yourself to be unhappy. Don't let your happiness be sacrificed for a better career or a stronger body.

Sag, your inner revolution must be gentle. You will be surprised at the results if you tread lightly.


December 21-January 20

Your past mistakes don't define you. They have made you the person you are today. Guilt is often the easiest emotion to understand. Your guilt isn’t serving anyone, Capricorn.

Only small amounts of love are strong. Any more and it becomes less and less like loving. You have given yourself enough tough love. This is the time to show radical compassion.

You are a pragmatist by nature, so you may struggle to adjust to this new view at first. If anyone is up to a challenge, it's YOU. Focus your energy this week on self-love.


January 20-February 18

No matter how hard you try, one person cannot change the world. While your intentions may be noble, they are also very naive. You are so focused on the big picture that you neglect the needs of your local community.

Aquarius, why are you so determined to bring about massive change? It could be a desire to satisfy your ego, or a love for humanity. It's possible to not like what you find but there is always a way to change it.

You might be looking for a revolution if you are narrowing your vision. Sometimes, the greatest changes can be made in our own backyard.


February 18-March 20

Routines can be comforting in a chaotic world. Routines are the only thing we have control over. Even then, there are still risks of mishaps and unanticipated accidents.

Routines can be a way to escape. You are the Zodiac dreamer, so you may be prone to falling into fantasy worlds. You must be careful not to confuse your daily life with your personal progress.

Your melancholy might be due to a dull daily routine. Try something different, change your routine, or get off the grid for a bit. It will be good for your mental health.


By: Melanie A. Davis
Title: December 26-January 1 Horoscope: Venus Retrograde Is In Full Swing
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/december-26-january-1-horoscope-venus-retrograde-love-money/2608015/
Published Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 11:45:00 +0000

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