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For holiday weight loss, simply follow the '50% rule'

Family celebrating together holiday Celebration

The 50% rule is game-changing. My career in behavioral sciences was long. We always set ambitious but achievable goals for our clients. We would collect baseline data and adjust goals as necessary. Small victories were celebrated almost every day.

Stephanie Mansour is a personal trainer who uses a similar approach to working with clients. This modified approach to goal setting works well, especially during holidays. It could also be a good idea to continue following the holidays.

Be kind and patient with yourself

After the past two years of hardship, holidays should be a time for joy. This year, we can all take joy in the small things, do what we love, and relax.

Everyone has a different idea of what "relaxing" or "de-stressing" means. Exercise is a great way to relax. (Weird, right?) You can de-stress by baking cookies or eating the cookies mentioned above, as well as drinking wine. Afterward, bloating and hangovers can make it difficult to achieve your goals and productivity. You might feel defeated. This is not the way you want to spend your holidays.

What is the 50% Rule?

The 50% Rule sounds exactly like it is. Take your ultimate goal and reduce it by half. The 50% rule states that you only need to put in 50% effort towards your goal. To put it another way, take your goal (whatever it may be) and cut it in half." Mansour told Today.com.

You won't feel guilty or upset about abandoning your goal. Instead, you'll likely feel inspired and uplifted when you achieve the more achievable goal. Mansour says, "For years, I have been using this method and it helped me keep my health during the holidays so I decided to introduce it to my clients." It has made a huge difference in my life.

Exercise, holiday desserts, and alcohol

Mansour had a client who wanted to walk 10k per day. Guess what, she advised her client to walk 5k a day instead. She felt empowered and encouraged, instead of feeling defeated.

Holiday season is a time when desserts are a staple. We all have our favorite Christmas desserts, whether it's chocolate pie, Christmas cookies, or Little Debbie Christmas trees. Mansour advises that you should not avoid holiday treats and that you only eat half the amount as usual. Instead of eating multiple cookies, eat two. Mansour says she splits a cookie in half and then eats the rest when she's ready to go back for more.

Our culture is deeply ingrained in alcohol consumption. Holiday parties are full of alcohol. Mansour suggests that instead of drinking excessively or abusing alcohol, she estimates the number of drinks she would consume at a holiday party. She then cuts it in half. She would instead of drinking three glasses of wine at a holiday party, she would consume one and a quarter glasses. Mansour says that this allows her to be more aware of alcohol intake and allows her to have fun while still being productive and energetic the next day.

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By: Dana Hopkins
Title: Simply Follow The ‘50% Rule’ To Prevent Holiday Weight Gain
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/50-rule-prevent-holiday-weight-gain/2606513/
Published Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2021 17:45:00 +0000

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