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Hugh Grant Admits 'Lost My Temper' on Local Woman Filming Dungeons and Dragons

Hugh Grant Admits 'Lost My Temper' on Local Woman Filming Dungeons and Dragons

"I did a "Christian Bale," the "Love Actually” star stated about the "terrible incident."

Hugh Grant is not a stranger to temper tantrums. However, he admitted that it was a mistake.

He was filming "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor among Thieves" with his 62-year old wife when a local woman acting as a chaperone for a child got in his way while filming.

Total Film magazine was misunderstood her as a studio executive. He profusely apologised when he discovered her true identity.

"I lost my temper with the woman in my eyeline from day one." Grant explained that she assumed she was an executive at the studio. "It turned out she was a very nice, local woman who was the chaperone for the young girl. Terrible. Terrible.

The star of "Love Actually" claimed that she did a "Christian Bale."

Grant mentioned how Bale publicly apologised in 2009, after an offensive video of him ranting at a crew member during the production of "Terminator: Salvation".

It's not the first time that the actor from "Notting Hill" has admitted to having bad behaviour.

Jon Stewart, the host of "The Daily Show", revealed that Grant was banned from returning to the show in 2012 after he called Grant "the worst guest" he had ever had.

Grant appeared on the show to promote his 2009 rom-com, "Did you Hear About The Morgans?" Third-Beat.com reports that Grant had complained about not having enough time and was frustrated by a promotional video provided by the film's publicist. He didn't believe it was appropriate.

Stewart spoke of Grant's "he's giving everybody s--t all the time, and he’s a big painin the ass," Stewart said.

Stewart's shocking revelation became viral and Bridget Jones's Diary star took to Twitter to admit his error.

He wrote, "Turns to my inner crab got me the better of TV producer in 09," "Unforgivable. J Stewart, you are right to give me a kick."

Grant later spoke out about the incident when he spoke to Vanity Fair 2015

"I had a tantrum backstage. He confessed that he has a mega-tantrum about once a year.

Hugh Grant Admits 'Lost My Temper' on Local Woman Filming Dungeons and Dragons


Title: Hugh Grant Admits 'Lost My Temper' on Local Woman Filming Dungeons and Dragons
Sourced From: toofab.com/2023/03/09/hugh-grant-admits-lost-my-temper-local-woman-filming-dungeons-and-dragons/
Published Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2023 16:05:29 +0000

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