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Schools warn students against 'Criminal TikTok Challenge

A male teacher wearing a blue shirt and a face mask sits at a desk in a classroom

Since its inception, TikTok's popularity has skyrocketed. TikTok, like any other social media outlet, is home to a large number of influential people who often create "challenges” for their followers. Some challenges on TikTok can be dangerous and even deadly, which can lead to severe consequences.

The Latest TikTok Challenge

Teachers and school district leaders across the country are worried about the safety of their teachers after a TikTok challenge became popular. Students are encouraged to "Slap a Teacher" and hit a teacher, without being caught. The video can then be posted on TikTok.

Many believe that this trend could be linked to the "Devious Lick Challenge," which sees students stealing or damaging random pieces school property.

Although the "Slap a Teacher” challenge isn't very popular, it has been noted that students could face severe consequences if participating. This challenge has been reported in Missouri, California, South Carolina, and South Carolina so far.

This behavior is just like theft or destruction of property and it's not a joke. Bryan Vaughn, Lancaster County School District director, posted the following on Facebook: "It's criminal behavior."

School districts have strict rules for anyone who takes part in the "prank". Vaughn stated that assault on staff members is an expellable offense, which means that the student will be removed from school for the remainder of the year.

Teachers across the country hope that students will see the serious consequences of hitting teachers and realize it is not a joke.

TikTok has witnessed some very wild challenges on its platform. While these challenges may seem harmless and fun, they can lead to serious injury or even death. One of the most popular TikTok trends, "The Milk Crate Challenge", is one example.

This is a challenge that involves stacking multiple milk crates together and trying to climb up to the top. It seems simple enough. Dr. Shaw Anothony is an orthopedic surgeon who said that injuries can include broken wrists and shoulder dislocations as well as ACL and meniscus tear.

The "Blackout Challenge" is another dangerous TikTok trend. Also known as the "choking Game", people reduce their air supply to the point that they are unconscious. This is a dangerous trend that has caused many deaths and has been popularized.

Although there isn't a clear goal to this challenge, children and teens continue to attempt it. TikTok's challenges are not to be missed, so it is better to avoid them than to be sorry.


By: Mackenzie Jerks
Title: Schools Warning Students Against ‘Criminal’ TikTok Challenge
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/schools-warning-students-against-criminal-tiktok-challenge/2593419/
Published Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 16:00:00 +0000

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