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White House Chef Reveals Michelle Obama’s Favorite Dessert Recipe

Michelle Obama wears a yellow and blue dress during a visit to London, England

Michelle Obama has a reputation for advocating healthy eating habits and exercising, but the former First Lady is also known for having a sweet tooth according to the White House pastry chef. The chef shared the recipe for Obama’s favorite dessert, which she used to reserve for birthday celebrations. He also spoke about his impressions of her and the policies that she implemented as First Lady.

Michelle Obama's Sweet Weakness

It's been a well-known fact that the Obama family prefers pies over cakes when it comes to dessert. However, Michelle Obama always favored red velvet cake when it came time to impress guests or celebrate a birthday.

Delish and Bill Yosses, White House pastry chef, collaborated on a video tutorial on how the delectable cake was created for the former First Family. He also shared some of his observations from his time as the Obama family's personal chef.

Michelle Obama's Let's Move initiative was one of the main themes throughout the video, which lasted just over 11 minutes. Yosses stated, "I believe one of the misconceptions regarding Mrs. Obama's healthy eating initiative, 'Let's Move', was that she might be anti dessert in some way."

There is no such thing as a healthy dessert

"Mrs. Yosses said that Obama never asked me for spa cuisine, low-calorie desserts, or to not use butter or sugar. The Obama family did not eat healthy desserts. Michelle Obama emphasized using the best ingredients possible, reducing portions and frequency.

"This way, one can be satisfied with less. We always make the best desserts. We only used the finest ingredients. He admitted that there's no healthy dessert. But he said, "But I believe there are healthy lifestyles that include desserts."

Michelle Obama was one of the most "powerful things" Yosses saw during the Obama years. He remembered how Michelle Obama had invited chefs from all across the United States to visit the White House in an effort to combat childhood obesity.

Yosses recalled that the event was a bit hastily put together with only two weeks notice. Michelle Obama's magnetism was so strong that 7100 chefs made the trek to the White House South Lawn to hear her speak. They also did it on their own.

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By: Brianna Morton
Title: White House Chef Reveals Michelle Obama’s Favorite Dessert Recipe
Sourced From: www.suggest.com/white-house-chef-reveals-michelle-obamas-favorite-dessert-recipe/2592307/
Published Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2021 21:57:40 +0000

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